Home Materials Greiner Packaging’s T-IML Proves More Sustainable Than Injection Molding

Greiner Packaging’s T-IML Proves More Sustainable Than Injection Molding

Greiner Packaging has developed a technique for thermoforming cups with in-mold labels (IML) that requires less material, is lighter in weight, and is more recyclable than similar IML cups produced via injection molding.

In addition, the sheet used in the thermoforming process to make the cup can be embedded with barrier properties, which can extend the shelf life of packaged food and help reduce food waste, according to Sebastian Eisenhuber, Global Product Group Manager.

“Greiner Packaging offers various barrier solutions, which increase protection against oxygen or light and, thus, make food last longer,” Eisenhuber told PlasticsToday. “Our barrier solution of choice is a PP-EVOH-PP combination, which we call multi-barrier technology (MBT). It is hard to make a general statement about how barrier solutions will extend the shelf life of a product,” Eisenhuber adds, “as this depends on many factors other than the packaging – such as the filling conditions and the type of filling itself.”

The company will develop packaging solutions based on the individual needs of its customers to achieve the best protection for its customers’ goods, Eisenhuber said.

After investing in a test mold, Greiner Packaging was able to manufacture 500-milliliter thermoformed IML (T-IML) cups with a diameter of 95 millimeters. By switching from injection molding to thermoforming, the cup’s weight was reduced from 15 to 11.4 grams, a 25% reduction, Eisenhuber explained.