Home Events Metsä Board’s Ultralight Pizza Box Wins 2024 WorldStar Packaging Competition

Metsä Board’s Ultralight Pizza Box Wins 2024 WorldStar Packaging Competition

Metsä Board, part of Metsä Group, has been selected as one of the winners of 2024 WorldStar awards for their ultralight pizza box concept developed together with Adara Pakkaus and other industry experts. A total of 435 entries from 41 countries were included in this year’s competition.

An expert panel of international judges compared the entries to similar solutions from around the world and awarded the ones that were superior in their category and market and were better in execution or innovation.

The awarded ultralight pizza box solution, made of MetsäBoard Natural WKL Bright, uses considerably less material than traditional solutions without compromising rigidity, function or print quality. The pizza box was about 38% lighter and according to the life cycle analysis the pizza box’s carbon footprint was up to 50% lower than those of traditional solutions made of recycled fiber.

The ultralight concept was created in co-operation with leading experts in the packaging industry. Packaging manufacturer Adara Pakkaus produced the corrugated material and printed the pizza box, with Marvaco supplying the flexo printing plates. The visual outlook was designed by Futupack. Researcher and expert on ECG Expanded Gamut printing, Dr. Kai Lankinen, provided invaluable input on the graphic design, prepress, and flexographic printing requirements.

The World Packaging Organization (WPO) has been organizing the WorldStar awards since 1970 to recognize the best of the best in packaging innovations from across the globe. The objective is to bring forth advancements in packaging design and technology in response to new challenges and global trends such as sustainability.